Malls and Shopping Centers Reopen in Greece

Thanks to the new "click-in-shop" method and regular self-testing, malls and shopping centers across Greece reopened on Saturday April 24.

Malls and shopping centers opened in Athens and other Greek cities on Saturday, April 24, with certain restrictions in place due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Retailers are now able to do business by appointment using the so-called “click-in-shop” method.

Shoppers must either sent an SMS to the number 13032, fill in an online form or simply write down the details of the appointment on a piece of paper. They must also possess proof from the retailer, usually in the form of an SMS, confirming the appointment. Shoppers will then have 3 hours from the submission of the SMS to complete their shopping.


Retail shops in malls and shopping centers can stay open from 7 am to 8.30 pm, with the exception of Good Friday (1-7 pm) and Holy Saturday (7 am-6pm). They are free to decide whether to open for fewer hours. As a further safety measure, retail shop owners and employees must take at least one coronavirus self-test per week.

The maximum number of customers allowed in shops is 1 per 25 square meters. In the malls’ open spaces, 1 per 10 square meters will be allowed, and at the cash registers, a minimum distance of 2 meters from other customers must be kept.

Food outlets in shopping centers and malls will remain closed.

This article was first published on

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