High School Pupils Create Environmentally-Friendly Bench

A group of innovative high school pupils have created a remarkable eco-friendly bench that is proving a hit with municipalities and hotels across Athens.

Can you imagine a bench that absorbs carbon emissions through a special paint, charges electronic devices, provides biodegradable bags and shovels to clean up after your dog, and which is made of compacted recycled materials to boot?

Sounds too good to be true, right? But this unusual object was created by students from the Filothei High School in suburban Athens, by a group which calls itself RAISE (Reusable – Advanced – Innovative – Safe – Economical) during the lockdown.


And it’s not just a whimsical creation: More than 2,000 benches have been ordered by municipalities and hotels.

The pupils themselves were responsible for the marketing.

This article was first published on ekathimerini.com.

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