Greece Aims for 50 Million Visitors in 2030

Bringing Greek tourism to its pre-pandemic levels is only step one, as Greece's Tourism Confederation aims high with a new plan for growth.

The Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE) has set a target for tourism revenues of 27 billion euros, 50 million arrivals and 307 million overnight stays per year by 2030, following the Hellenic Tourism 2030 study drafted by the Deloitte-Remaco consortium.

The plan that SETE will recommend to the government aims to gradually reduce Greek tourism’s seasonal character, as well as expending tourism activity to more regions of the country and increasing visitors’ average expenditure and time spent in the country.


Among the conditions for meeting the 2030 targets are the full recovery of Greek tourism to its pre-pandemic levels by 2023, the absence of any major external crises that could have a negative impact on the sector in the 2023-30 period, the implementation of investment in public infrastructure, and focusing on specific markets and products, based on the new emerging travel trends.

SETE also sets as priorities the digital upgrading of tourism, innovation and marketing, protection of the environment, and strengthening skills and entrepreneurship.

According to the study, the increase in tourism takings between 2019 and 2030 could reach up to 52%, visitor numbers could grow by 27% and the number of overnight stays could expand by 32%. Greek tourism can achieve such a result through relatively modest annual growth rates from 2023 to 2030, amounting to 6.2% in revenues, 3.5% in visitor numbers and 4% in overnight stays. 

Market targeting needs to remain focused on the consolidated and mature economies of Western Europe (such as Germany, the United Kingdom and France), as well as the mature markets in Eastern Europe, with an emphasis on Russia. Attention further needs to be directed toward the large, wealthy markets of Northern Europe, significant emerging markets in Asia (China, India and South Korea) and the major North American markets.

SETE President Yiannis Retsos told Kathimerini Greece can improve its figures further next year if the pandemic is reined in.

This article was previously published at

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