Greek Prodigy Pens ‘Isolation Waltz’ for a World in Lockdown

Watching 7-year-old Stelios Kerasidis play the piano will surely brighten your day in lockdown.

Hunker down at home a bit longer is the message a Greek pianist has sent to a world in coronavirus lockdown with his latest composition, the “Isolation Waltz” – and he’s just seven years old.


Stelios Kerasidis first performed in public at the age of three, and has played in New York’s Carnegie Hall and the Royal Albert Hall in London.

“Hi guys! I’m Stelios, I’m at home too. Let’s be just a teeny bit more patient and we will soon be out swimming in the sea. I’m dedicating you a piece of my own,” he says in a Youtube video before turning to play the wistful, hypnotic melody.

The clip has had more than 130,000 hits.

He has also composed two piano concertos, “Veronika” and “Anastasia”, named after his sisters.

“Music is my entire world,” he told Reuters last year, his fingers dancing over the keys, his feet barely touching the ground as he sat on the stool.

The son of a piano teacher, his favourite pianist is the late Canadian Glenn Gould, renowned for his interpretations of JS Bach.


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