Greece Playing Key Role in EU Effort to Develop Eco Apps

The apps being developed across the continent will help cities deal with growing environmental challenges and aid with disaster response efforts.

The Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development at the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) is coordinating a European program with 19 research centers from 12 countries that is seeking to provide “smart solutions” to growing environmental challenges.

SMURBS (Smart Urban Solutions for air quality, disasters and city growth) has developed 32 applications over two years, 16 of which focus on air quality, eight on urban growth and another eight on disaster resilience.


More than half are already at an advanced stage, with the rest expected to be completed by August 2021. One of the apps that will be completed in Athens in the next few months will allow users to see exactly what they’re breathing in on their mobile phones.

Apart from the NOA, Greece is also participating in the program via the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Democritus Center for Scientific Research and the Academy of Athens.

This article was originally published at

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