Today: The Acropolis Museum Offers Free Admission and Guided Tours

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the Acropolis Museum is offering free entrance today starting at 17.00.

Today is World Tourism Day, and the Acropolis Museum is celebrating the occasion with free admission from 17.00 until closing (with last entries at 21.30).

Two guided tours will also be given to a limited number of visitors free of charge. At 17.30 (and at 18.30 in Greek) archaeologists will guide visitors through the museum’s latest addition: the archaeological excavation of the ancient neighborhood beneath the museum. The tour is 45 minutes long and is limited to 20 participants. At 18.00 (and at 20.00 in Greek) there will be a 1-hour guided walk through the galleries. This tour will be available to 40 participants.


Visitors who would like to join one of the tours must be quick and register in advance at the information desk at the museum entrance.

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