Accommodation Takings in May Show Strong Recovery

As tourist arrivals in Greece soar, businesses are getting back on track. Data for the month of May show revenues higher than in 2019.

Turnover in the accommodation sector topped half a billion euros for the first May since 2019, a further indication of the record revenues expected this year from increased tourism traffic.

Food service also showed increased revenues compared to the last May before the pandemic, in 2019. In both sectors, however, the effect of inflation should also be taken into account in the increased turnover.


The data announced on Tuesday by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) showed that the turnover of businesses that operate in the accommodation sector and are required to keep double-entry books amounted in May 2022 to 554.87 million euros.

This is a five-fold turnover compared to that of May 2021 (€105.78 million), as accommodation was open last year, but there were many restrictions for tourists from abroad, while movement from one prefecture to another was prohibited until mid-May 2021.

In May 2019 turnover in the sector in question stood at €528.09 million, while in May 2020 the turnover was only €17.81 million.

The turnover of businesses in food service in May 2022 reached €179.12 million, compared to €108.85 million in May 2021.

This article was previously published at

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