Greek-US Team Maps Santorini Volcano Group
The researchers say the map will improve risk assessments in the seismically and volcanically active area.
Undersea Robot “Hunting Dogs” to Sniff Out Active Quake Spots
The Greek-led research project aims to find which faults are active in the Aegean Sea using autonomous robots designed to detect certain chemicals.
Scientists Seeking Medical Potential of Invasive Fish
Experts are conducting researches on the silver-cheeked toadfish, the cornetfish and the lionfish, which are new to Greek waters.
As Greeks Lower Volume, Experts Can Hear the Earth’s Murmurs
Much like air pollution for astronomers, noise pollution often obscures the view for seismologists in Athens and Thessaloniki.
Robots Explore Greek Volcano in Preparation for Jupiter’s Moons
Funded by NASA, an undersea research mission was conducted using intelligent technology hoped to later be used to explore extraterrestrial oceans.
Strong Earthquake, Measuring 5.1 Richter, Shakes Athens
The epicenter of the earthquake was located near western Athens, and it was felt throughout the Greek capital and as far away as the Peloponnese.
Greek Find Called Earliest Sign of Humans out of Africa
Researchers claim that re-examined skull fragments found in Greece in the 1970s upend current theories about when humans first arrived in Europe.
Oracle’s Oil: New Plan to Boost Delphi’s Olive Game
A new plan is in the works that would see Delphi become a center for promoting olives, olive oil and their health benefits.