The fortress, surrounded by pine forest on the popular island, is to be restored as part of the Cultural Routes program.
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Every Friday for the coming weeks, the German Embassy will tell the story of a German philhellene who contributed to Greece's fight for independence.
The online lecture will explore what actually happened in 1821, and how our understanding of the Greek uprising has evolved.
Ancient pollen reveals that farmers in ancient Greece turned away from cereal crops even as the population was booming. The reason? Capitalism.
The Regional Governor of Central Macedonia said that the regional government may help fund the project in part through the use of European funds.
The US Ambassador on celebrating the upcoming 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution and the deep ties between the US and Greece.
The German Archaeological Institute is conducting a study for the restoration of the building identified as the workshop of legendary Classical Greek sculptor Phidias.
Ion Dragoumis, who was killed in 1920 by political adversaries, is a legendary figure in Greek collective imagination.
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