Ancient Structure Believed to be Long-Lost Temple of Poseidon
Archaeologists believe the temple-shaped building discovered last year in the western Peloponnese is the remains of a 2,500-year-old temple of Poseidon.
New Museum of Aigai in Vergina Inaugurated
The much-anticipated Museum of Aigai opened its doors yesterday, showcasing finds from the ancient city of Philip II of Macedon, Alexander the Great's father.
Antiquities to be Displayed in New Thessaloniki Metro
The items, discovered during the excavations for the Venizelou metro station, will be returned to be displayed at the site once construction is completed.
Acropolis Becomes Accessible to the Visually Impaired
New tools, including a cellphone app and information points designed for the blind, now make Athen's most famous landmark more accessible.
Lost Poseidon’s Temple Possibly Found in Western Peloponnese
Archaeologists have discovered an elongated temple-shaped building probably belonging to a sanctuary of Poseidon, on the foothills of the ancient acropolis of Samiko.
Roman Building Discovered Beneath Central Athens Square
A luxurious Roman-era villa has been discovered just below Theater Square, officials report.
Urban Life
Digital Guide Offers Architectural Walks in Piraeus
ArchWalks invites visitors to see and learn about 19th-century buildings and other landmarks by following four digitally listed routes.
Ancient Mosaic Floor Graces New Piraeus Metro Station
Piraeus' new Metro station features an exhibit of artifacts discovered during its construction, including a 4th-century BC mosaic floor.