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Why I Love Being a Foodie in Greece
The Greek capital is becoming a foodie’s paradise, with a new generation of restaurants (and restaurant-goers) riding a wave of newfound creativity.
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Eat after Midnight and Confess at Mavili Canteen
Yiannis makes sandwiches that feed your soul Should you find yourself enjoying a drink at one of the historic bars of Mavili Square, a well-known piazza near the American Embassy and Athens Concert Hall that provides relaxing weekday evenings and buzzing weekend nights, you may well end up partaking in the ritual of the obligatory sandwich from the local canteen. But let’s take things from the beginning. A fountain, old…
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Lefteris and his Soft Pretzels
How and why “koulouri” became our national snack Multigrain, with sesame or without, with tahini… “Tomorrow I’ll have wholemeal; the kind you skinny girls favor.” Lefteris Agorastos, whose cart is permanently parked beside one of Athens’ busiest streets, sells about 50 koulouria, a Greek type of soft pretzel or bread ring, every day. Hailed as a “national snack” or “street breakfast,” simple and cheap at just 0.50 euros, you can…
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