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Epiphany: The Final Act of the Greek Christmas Season
While the holiday season in much of the rest of the world comes to a gentle close after New Year’s Day, our holiday season in Greece extends a few more days to end with a glorious splash – literally. The twelve days of Christmas (remember the carol of the same name – with the pear-tree perching partridges and leaping lords?) reach their bracing finale on the sixth of January. Epiphany…
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How to Get into the Greek Holiday Spirit
Greek Christmas has a lot going for it. It’s at least as festive and abundant as the celebrations farther north, but refreshingly it’s
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Skopelos, the Island that will Keep you Coming Back
Located in the island group of Northern Sporades, Skopelos is one of the most alluring islands in the western Aegean Sea, and also the place where the famous movie ‘Mama-Mia!’ was filmed.
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Seeing the World From your Couch
Avid Athens couchsurfer Spyros Drakatos has hosted 150 couchsurfers from abroad in Athens flat Amy from the Netherlands wanted to hitchhike to Ioannina, northwestern Greece. Otavia and Julia, both from the UK, focused entirely on visiting ancient sites and went to bed early. Adrian from Spain liked the local olives so much that he wanted to take two large packets of them home with him, and Linda from Norway got…
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Naxos: Embracing the Power of Observation
A weekend at Naxos From my schoolbooks I remembered that Naxos is the biggest island of the Cyclades and also that this is where Theseus abandoned Ariadne after she helped him slay the Minotaur in Crete. What I saw is a self-sufficient island, one of those places where you forget that Greece is in crisis.
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The DIY Trails of Donoussa
Every morning I swim from one end of the bay of Donousa to the other. I reach the pier with long strokes. As I get near the bakery I am assailed by the aroma of freshly-baked bread and grape-must cookies. My natural bent for laziness yields to this powerful and comforting smell. Bougainvillea blossoms swirl around in the wind and land on the water, like tiny water lilies. I first…
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