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Coronavirus Diary: Life in Athens in Times of (Another) Crisis, Day 31
Editor’s note: The following has been taken from the blog The Many Faces of (New) Athens by Gigi Papoulias. Raised in the US in a Greek immigrant family, Gigi now lives in Athens. She first launched her blog in 2012 to chronicle Greece’s financial crisis, and has recently been writing about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on life in the Greek capital. She has been providing regular and clear-eyed…
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Coronavirus Diary: Life in Athens in Times of (Another) Crisis, Day 24
Editor’s note: The following has been taken from the blog The Many Faces of (New) Athens by Gigi Papoulias (the original entry is here). Raised in the US in a Greek immigrant family, Gigi now lives in Athens. She first launched her blog in 2012 to chronicle Greece’s financial crisis, and has recently been writing about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on life in the Greek capital. She has…
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35 Reasons to Visit Greece at Least Once in your Life
Want to visit Greece? Good choice! It’s a fantastic country that offers everything from beaches and islands to culture and history as well as delicious food and friendly locals. If you haven’t yet been to Greece, here are 35 reasons why I think everyone should visit Greece at least once in their life!
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Interviewing Travel Writer Kristin Luna
Kristin Luna is the writer and traveler behind the award-winning blog Camels & Chocolate. Over the 15 years she has been a travel journalist she has visited over 120 countries and seen her work published in more than 50 publications. She spoke to us about her love of road-trips, how she overcame her shyness through travelling and how she lost her fear of snorkelling in the eastern Aegean.
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